
Welcome to my blog! I share my misadventures with makeup, skin care and other 'beauty' products. 

REVIEW: Kjaer Weis Mascara

REVIEW: Kjaer Weis Mascara

It's a gleaming, sleek and chic disappointment. 

It's a gleaming, sleek and chic disappointment. 

Sorry Ms. Katya, I’ve done it again. But in my defense, I got swept up in a feeling of environmentally eco-conscious consumerism and fiery rage that my Serge Lutens mascara is clumping up and acting old. Mascara is the most frustrating cosmetic, and (of course) one I was destined to be the most fond of. My face, in my mind, just doesn’t feel DONE without it -- so I’m cursed to roam the pages of Makeup Alley and other beauty blogs to figure out which one is the best. I hate myself for saying this, but despite its mayfly-esque lifespan I am still in love with a product that costs $65. I am going to try Majolica Majorca (am I the only one who reads this as ‘Majorca Majorca’?) and just am hoping so hard it is a good dupe.

Anyway, on to the latest purchase: cool Danish ‘refillable’ Kjaer Weis mascara. First things are first: it’s $38 for the starter pack, and then $28 for each refill. Supposedly they last 3 months, and then you can recycle the old innards and swap them out. Some simple math I did AFTER I purchased this (of course): most of the money seems to be going to the formula, with $10 going for the brush and outer shell. Having time for reflection, this seems kind of stupid. Isn’t the bulk of mascara R&D involved in the brush? Like half formula, half brush? So why aren’t I paying $19 for a refill? Yes, I know, Kjaer Weis is not a charity and despite their holier-than-thou non-toxic eco babble they don’t care about anything but the bottom line so yes I was stupid to buy this it’s my own damn fault.

I've kept the packaging so every time I open it it’s like a little present, albeit a disappointing one. 

I've kept the packaging so every time I open it it’s like a little present, albeit a disappointing one. 

In terms of performance… eh? It’s okay. It reminds me of Maybelline Great Lash in that it’s sort of... negligible. This has always confused me  — some mascaras somehow have no effect. How is that even possible? Slash why and how does this happen? How do they make your lashes look WORSE?

Case in point

Case in point

Kjaer Weis also has another similarity to Maybelline Great Lash in that (in my opinion) it is accompanied by an undeserved hype. This goes for their other products too. I tried their eyeshadow and it made my eyelids look all wrinkly, and my go at their lip tint was difficult and ephemeral. The mascara does smell like rose (à la Glossier Milk Jelly cleanser) which is a nice perk. IS IT ENOUGH? No. Don’t do it. Put that credit card away and donate to the Nature Conservancy instead! 

I realized too if I'm bothered by the quick shelf life I should just buy 'travel' sizes. This one, a mini of my favorite low-key mascara (Benefit's 'They're Real!' Tinted Lash Primer) is half the size at half the cost. I can just buy this and use it for three months and still have some left over and waste $12 instead of $24. The downside is most small sizes don't come in brown (my color of choice) but the Kjaer Weis one is black anyway.

Why do I think of these things AFTER I make a stupid purchase?   



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